How is your lifelist?

Having a lifelist is very popular. Like in the famous movie « The bucket list », you sometimes feel that the life goes fast and that you are forgetting dreams you had when you were young. A lifelist consist of things you really want to do before you die. Thanks to...

What will you tell your kids?

When I was young, my dad taught me how to fish, how to make a catapults, how to catch a snake with a stick of wood… All these typical things that make you proud of your father. He always had funny stories about him and his friend. Except the fact that it...

My 3 reasons to learn english…

I know it’s a little bit silly to write something in English meant for people who don’t speak English. Actually, my first idea was to send it to my cousin who is an English teacher. I wanted to suggest to her to print this article to give to her students....